Golf with elegance and composure 

Enter a new era of golfing experience with AvgarTM. Designed and manufactured in New Zealand to help you enjoy the beauty of golf. 

Thanks to its innovative features, UforiaTM is your calming golf companion, supporting a new level of ease, sophistication and elegance

Discover what sets apart from the rest

Discover more about Uforia


A complete golf system - elevate your style, simplify your game while playing with a cart or on trundler


Golf is about to change. Learn about Uforia™’s patent pending features


Designed with you in mind and built to last. The finest materials, carefully sourced, handcrafted in New Zealand by local artisans

5 patents & 15 Trademarks

UforiaT™ is featuring 9 exclusive, groundbreaking innovations in golf bag design. Discover these unique features now.

The face behind Uforia

Meet Heather and discover the four pillars that are essential to her business.

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