"I am seeking to seamlessly blend innovation with luxury."
Heather M. Anderson
Founder and Director at Avgar

Meet Heather

Kiwi-born visionary who now splits her time between the vibrant cities of Auckland and New York, weaving her global journey into our story.

Heather Anderson, a visionary from New Zealand, divides her time between Auckland and New York, infusing her global experiences into our brand’s story. She grew up in Mataura, in a family of five children, with a stay-at-home mother and a father who worked as a stationery engine driver. Creative play with natural products and home drama productions were regular family activities. Living across the road from her primary school and near the town center, she was immersed in community activities and developed a love for sports through backyard games.


At age nine, her family bought a small farm, where Heather learned to drive a tractor by age ten. Like other children in the district, she missed formal schooling during key farming seasons but gained a deep understanding of sustainable living. Despite the local high school’s low retention rate, Heather was among the few who completed their final year, driven by her mother’s emphasis on education.


Heather pursued a physiotherapy degree, excelling in her studies on a government scholarship. She was assigned to a country hospital, managing hospital rounds, an outpatient clinic, and a domiciliary round. After her 18-month stint, Heather opened her own clinic in Wellington, which grew to three locations with several staff and associated sports teams. Her notable achievements included traveling with the Olympic Women’s Hockey team and the New Zealand Women’s Football team to their World Cup.

Heather became interested in early childhood education, influenced by the philosophies of Magda Gerber, Madelyn Swift, and the World Virtues Project. She established a successful enterprise in this field, which she sold in 2013. Heather further demonstrated her multifaceted talents by founding her own construction company. She meticulously oversaw the design and construction of medical and childcare centers, excelling in both exterior and interior designs as well as landscaping. Consistently, she emphasized sustainable building practices, reflecting her lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

After four years of retirement, enjoying time with family, playing tennis and bridge, and attending the theatre and art museums, Heather was introduced to golf. She found it the perfect retirement activity—outdoors, social, and adaptable to weather conditions.

Heather’s passion for golf led to reimagining the golf bag. She envisioned a bag that acted like a supportive companion. This vision set in motion her decision to reinvent the golf bag and its accessories using New Zealand artisans. Heather’s collaboration with industrial design student Gwyn Jones, who was introduced to her through a family connection, resulted in Uforia™—a line of handcrafted, sustainable golf accessories. The Uforia™ golf trunk stands as a masterpiece, crafted with precision and attention to detail, blending luxury with functionality.

Heather Anderson’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of perfection, from her entrepreneurial triumphs to her innovative contributions to the world of golf.


Commitment to a Sustainable Future
Sustainability is at the core of Avgar’s philosophy. We believe that better quality products lead to a longer lifespan, which in turn reduces waste. By using durable, high-tech materials and innovative designs, we create golf accessories that stand the test of time. This approach not only ensures a superior experience for our customers, but also contributes to a more sustainable future. Each UforiaTM product is a testament to our commitment to environmental stewardship, making luxury and sustainability go hand in hand.

Made in New Zealand

Pride in Local Craftsmanship
At Avgar, we take immense pride in our New Zealand heritage. Every aspect of our products, from initial design to final assembly, is meticulously crafted in New Zealand. Our commitment to local production ensures unparalleled quality and supports our community of skilled artisans. From handmade leather and fabric goods to the advanced manufacturing processes, our entire operation is certified by FernMark, a mark of New Zealand origin. This dedication to local craftsmanship ensures that every UforiaTM product embodies the spirit of innovation and quality synonymous with our nation.

Unmatched Luxury

Experience Unrivaled Elegance
Avgar is synonymous with luxury, merging functionality with indulgence. Our products are crafted using the finest materials, often found in the world's most luxurious cars. This commitment to opulence ensures that every Uforia’s golf trunk is not just a piece of equipment, but a statement of style and sophistication. The meticulous attention to detail and superior craftsmanship guarantee an experience that transcends traditional golf accessories, making every round of golf a celebration of elegance and refinement.

Innovation & Design

Reinventing Golf Accessories
Heather Anderson's pursuit of perfection drives Avgar’s commitment to innovation. Our golf trunks are completely reinvented from the inside out, offering a host of features designed to enhance your golfing experience. With five patents protecting our unique innovations, UforiaTM ensures that your game is as hassle-free and enjoyable as possible. Our products are not just about carrying your gear; they are about enhancing your entire golfing experience with ergonomic elegance and thoughtful design.

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